Adaily Inspiration Week #13: Election campaigns
Adaily Inspiration is a weekly newsletter containing 5 inspiring ads from our full 2,500 database of winning campaigns.
For this week we chose campaigns for “election campaigns”. Below you can find our 5 picks, but if you want to see more just click direct link to query » HERE «
1. “The Nominate Me Selfie” - Political Shakti
Shakti did the Nominate-Me Selfie campaign using selfies as a CV to flip the perception of women's grassroots leaders in Indian politics.
FCB India Delhi • 2021 • NGO - equality • India • Asia
The challenge of this campaign was to address the lack of representation of women in Indian politics and influence political parties to give more tickets to women to contest State level elections. The campaign aimed to overcome the obstacle of political parties overlooking women's contributions and asking, "Where are the women?" The goal was to make it impossible for political parties to ignore the issue and to drive greater representation of women in Indian politics.
Target Group
The target group of this campaign was primarily political parties and parliamentarians, with a focus on increasing the representation of women in Indian politics. The secondary target group was the women of India, who were encouraged to participate in the movement and demand equal representation.
The main idea of this campaign was to drive greater representation of women in Indian politics by influencing political parties to give more tickets to women to contest State level elections. The campaign aimed to make it impossible for political parties to ignore the issue of women's representation and to highlight the importance of women in governance and their positive impact on society and development. The campaign utilized the "Nominate-Me Selfie" concept, where women leaders at the grassroots level were encouraged to send their selfie-CVs to their local leaders, urging them to nominate more women candidates. The campaign was supported by NGOs, media outlets, and a grassroots movement to bring about sustainable change and gender parity in politics.
The "Nominate-Me Selfie" campaign led by Shakti and The Times of India had a significant impact on increasing the representation of women in Indian politics. The campaign aimed to drive political parties to give more tickets to women to contest state-level elections. In Bihar, where the campaign initially started, the percentage of women fielded as candidates increased from 8% to 10%. The ruling party in Bihar also gave an unprecedented 19% of tickets to women candidates. This was a notable improvement in women's representation in a state known for its low levels of gender parity. The success of the campaign in Bihar led to its expansion to other states as well. In the West Bengal state elections, the ruling party fielded a record number of women candidates, increasing the representation of women in the political process. Moreover, with increased involvement of women in state-level politics, voter turnout has risen faster and has been higher than men's turnout in these elections. Overall, the "Nominate-Me Selfie" campaign created a groundswell of support and awareness for the need for more women in politics. It has been instrumental in increasing the representation of women as candidates in state-level elections and continues to be an ongoing movement for gender parity in Indian politics.
2. “The Popsicle Elections” - Los Paleteros
Los Paleteros did a popsicle election campaign using ice cream sales as political polls.
Jotabequ Grey • 2019 • Ice cream • Costa Rica • LATAM
The challenge of this campaign was finding a creative and alternative way to inform voters during the week before the presidential elections in Costa Rica, as the electoral law prohibits political polls from being published during that time.
Target Group
The target group of this campaign was the general public in Costa Rica, particularly the voters who were interested in the presidential elections.
The main idea of this campaign was to keep voters informed during the closest elections in Costa Rica's history by conducting "popsicle elections." These elections were based on ice cream sales, with two popsicles created in the colors of the liberal and conservative parties. The results were published in real-time on social media, serving as a substitute for political polls that were not allowed to be published. The campaign successfully increased sales, gained social media traction, and accurately predicted the actual election result.
The results of the Los Paleteros popsicle elections campaign were highly successful. Despite not being an official pollster, Los Paleteros was able to accurately predict the outcome of the presidential elections in Costa Rica by using sales data from their ice cream shop. The campaign generated significant attention and engagement on social media, with both presidential candidates even participating by buying their respective popsicles. The campaign resulted in a 260% increase in sales for Los Paleteros, and it garnered a PR value of $2,540,000. Additionally, the campaign trended on Twitter and Facebook, reaching a total of 48,257,023 impressions. Overall, this campaign demonstrated the effectiveness of using innovative methods like popsicle sales to inform voters and generate interest in the electoral process.
3. “Meddle In The New Zealand Election” - Every Kiwi Vote Counts
Every Kiwi Vote Counts did a provocative campaign called "Meddle in the New Zealand Election" using a Russian character named Viktor to incite overseas Kiwis to vote.
Special Auckland, Poem Sydney • 2020 • NGO - politics • New Zealand • Oceania
The challenge of this campaign was to galvanize overseas New Zealanders (Kiwi) to vote in New Zealand's election. Despite close to one million New Zealanders living overseas, only 1 in 10 voted in the last election. The campaign aimed to overcome the barriers of Kiwis believing their vote didn't matter and feeling like they didn't have permission to vote. The challenge was to not only practically enable Kiwis to vote but also incite them to realize their voting influence and participate in the election.
Target Group
The target group of this campaign was overseas New Zealanders (also known as Kiwis) living around the world. These were individuals who were eligible to vote in New Zealand's 2020 election but were not actively participating in the electoral process.
The main idea of the Every Kiwi Vote Counts campaign was to galvanize overseas New Zealanders (Kiwi) to vote in New Zealand's 2020 election. The campaign aimed to overcome the barriers of voter apathy and a lack of permission to vote by provoking Kiwi's to recognize the importance and impact of their votes. The campaign challenged Kiwi's to "Meddle in the New Zealand Election" and highlighted their potential influence in shaping the outcome. Through a provocative and attention-grabbing approach, the campaign sought to engage and mobilize overseas Kiwi to participate in the democratic process.
The "Every Kiwi Vote Counts" campaign successfully mobilized overseas New Zealanders to vote in the 2020 election. The campaign's provocative approach and use of the character Viktor the Russian garnered significant attention and engagement. As a result of the campaign: 1. Increased awareness: The campaign generated widespread media coverage, both in New Zealand and internationally, which helped raise awareness of the initiative and the importance of overseas Kiwi voting. 2. Engagement and participation: The campaign successfully encouraged overseas Kiwi to register and vote in the election. The number of overseas voters increased by 38% compared to the previous election, with about 26,000 overseas votes cast. 3. Social media impact: The campaign achieved significant engagement on social media platforms, with viral posts and videos reaching millions of people. The provocative nature of the campaign sparked conversations and debates about the role of overseas Kiwi in shaping New Zealand politics. 4. Long-term impact: The campaign's success in mobilizing overseas Kiwi voters has the potential to create a lasting impact. By empowering overseas Kiwi to participate in elections, the initiative aims to strengthen the connection between New Zealand and its global community. Overall, the "Every Kiwi Vote Counts" campaign effectively addressed the barriers of voter apathy and lack of permission felt by overseas Kiwi. It successfully engaged and empowered overseas Kiwi to exercise their democratic right and highlighted the impact their votes can have on the political landscape in New Zealand.
4. “Gerry's Partisan Pizza” - Represent Us
Gerry's Partisan Pizza targeted gerrymandered voting districts, delivering corrupt slices only within those boundaries, sparking engagement and calls for change.
Mischief @ No Fixed Address • 2021 • NGO - politics • United States • North America
The challenge of this campaign was to raise awareness about gerrymandering and its impact on the democratic process in a way that would resonate with the general public. The goal was to simplify and contextualize the issue so that people could understand how it directly affects them and their communities.
Target Group
The target group of the campaign was the general public, particularly those residing in gerrymandered voting districts across the United States.
The main idea of the campaign was to raise awareness about gerrymandering and its impact on fair representation in elections. This was done through a creative concept called "Gerry's Partisan Pizza," where pizza delivery was rigged to only serve customers within gerrymandered voting districts. The campaign aimed to simplify and contextualize the issue to engage people and encourage them to call on local governments for change. The campaign received significant media coverage and generated a large social reach, contributing to increased awareness of and dialogue around gerrymandering. As a result, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Texas, alleging that their gerrymandered state map infringed on the rights of minority voters.
The results of Gerry's Partisan Pizza campaign were as follows: - 35% of those who engaged with Gerry's used the dedicated hotline to call on local government for change regarding gerrymandering. - The campaign generated over 360 million earned media impressions, increasing public awareness of the issue. - The campaign reached over 2.18 million people through social media, further spreading the message. - As a result of increased public attention to gerrymandering, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Texas, alleging that their gerrymandered state map infringes on the rights of minority voters.
5. “#ChooseToVote” - Skapto
Skapto did a marketing campaign using the "I Can't Choose Burger" to encourage young people to vote by showcasing the unwanted randomness of a parliament they did not choose.
Proof. • 2021 • QSR • Bulgaria • Europe
The challenge of this campaign was to motivate young people in Bulgaria to vote despite their belief that their votes wouldn't make a difference. The campaign aimed to address the apathy towards elections and encourage young people to actively participate in choosing their country's leaders.
Target Group
The target group of this campaign was young people in Bulgaria, specifically those who were eligible to vote but chose to abstain from voting.
The main idea of this campaign was to encourage young people in Bulgaria to vote in the elections by highlighting the consequences of not voting. The campaign used a burger chain called Skapto to remind young people that not choosing is also a choice and that by abstaining from voting, they are letting someone else decide for them. The campaign aimed to showcase the unwanted randomness of a parliament that was not chosen through a burger menu that served unexpected options. By using online delivery data and serving unordered burgers at local bars, the campaign generated buzz and started a conversation about the importance of elections. As a result, more young people chose to vote, leading to a nationwide debate on the future direction of the country.
The results of the campaign were positive. The "I Can't Choose Burger" campaign successfully sparked a conversation and raised awareness about the importance of voting among young people in Bulgaria. As a result, on election day, there was a 5% increase in voter turnout among young people. The campaign reached over 3 million people, generating significant attention and engagement across social media platforms. It also garnered support from influencers, mass media, and politicians, further amplifying the message. Overall, the campaign contributed to a month-long debate on the future choices and direction of the country.
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Disclaimer: All campaign descriptions in this post are AI-generated, based on real-life descriptions provided by the authors.
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